Based on superconducting materials
©Niklas Guenther via
The second field of application for the new mK-Coolers is the field of ultra-sensitive superconducting detectors. This field includes the ultrasensitive detection of single microwave photons, arrays of large-area Josephson junctions (STJs) as XUV radiation detectors, SQUIDs as well as edge bolometers or SNSPD (superconducting nanowire single photon detectors) for safety and astronomical applications.
- Conceivable new passive THz cameras, for example for security applications (airports, prisons, etc.), use an array of superconducting transition edge bolometers as a detector, which must be cooled to approx. 1 K. The signal from the bolometers is read out with a SQUID. The signal from the bolometers is read out with a coupled SQUID.
- In biomedical analytics, too, correspondingly fast single photon counters are needed for the detection of fast reactions, e.g. based on SNSPD (superconducting nanowire single photon detector). SNSPDs are also of interest for quantum communication/quantum computing.
- SNSPDs are also of interest for so-called "environmental monitoring" with LIDAR (Laser (light) Detection And Ranging), see for example
- Quantum cryoptography as tap-proof transmission of signals by means of a single-photon emitter and detector, which ultimately represents information transmission between the individual QBits